Sunday, May 19, 2013

Forschung - kunst/mobil

An interesting project that is currently in progress in Basel. I'm positively curious about the further developement and excited to see more:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sparkol VideoScribe

Don't know yet, if it's useful - but I'll have to test it!

COMMENT AFTER WATCHING SOME VIDEOS: The software has a large library of allready existing images and texts in different styles you can choose from. Also the "drawing hand with pen" is pre-fabricated. So basically you don't have to draw or film anything on your own and can work with the allready exististing parts and put together new presentations. I don't know yet if you can also (easily) integrate your own drawings - or not. It seems, for the animation of "drawing a picture" you need at least a multi stage documentation of how your drawing developed. In which format you would have to save your own work and how you could import it into your software is not clear to me so far. To find out more I'll have to work with the free testing version for some time (you have seven days).

COMMENT AFTER TESTING THE SOFTWARE: coming in the summer (when I'll have a bit more time).

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Symposion "Zeichnen als Erkenntnis" - 10.10. / 12.10.2013

Read more here

Open University - Design History

There are six parts:
Gothic Revival: Design in a Nutshell (1/6)
Arts and Crafts: Design in a Nutshell (2/6)
Bauhaus: Design in a Nutshell (3/6)
Modernism: Design in a Nutshell (4/6)
American Industrial Design: Design in a Nutshell (5/6)
Postmodernism: Design in a Nutshell (6/6)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Ausstellung: Basel, Klybeckstrasse 78, Immobiliengalerie

Passagen - Kunstevents im Mai 2013

Im Mai findet in Solothurn PASSAGE statt.

Leerstehende Räumlichkeiten werden zwischengenutzt.
Ein künstlerischer Produktions- und Präsentationsort entsteht.
Jede Woche eine Schaffensperiode, jeden Freitag
um 18h Werkpräsentation und um 20h Konzert.

Peter Aerni - Tanzperformance

Ausstellung Tanzzeichnungen 3. - 20. Mai 2013 im Progr/ Tanzperformance 

Ausstellung offen ab 3.5.13 ab 17 Uhr
1. Vernissage am Sonntag 5. Mai ab 14 –18 Uhr im Progr/ Treppenhaus Speichergasse
2. Tanzfest-Schnupperstunde Contactimprovisation um 12.30 bis 13.30 Uhr im Raum 214
3. Performance im Rahmen von UTP mit Joëlle Valterio um 20 Uhr im Raum 210

Hinweise zur Ausstellung
Körperzeichnungen von Peter Aerni:
Progr_ 3. - 20. Mai 2013

Öffnungszeiten 8 – 18h, an den Wochenenden nach Absprache
